Sunday, April 7, 2013

I'm back!

I can't believe it's been since last July since I posted.  Where the hell have I been???

Oh wait...I lost my job and did an intensive new job search.  Thankfully, I was only out of work for 3 months and started a great new job in December.  I am working for a law firm and am an assistant to one of the partners.  It's been a HUGE challenge, but an amazing journey.  I feel that I am helping people in ways that significantly affect their lives. 

I've also been continuing my journey of self awareness and finding my way in the world.  I turned 50 in September.  SO...I am truly Middle Aged. 

Now that life has settled down a bit, I have the desire to write again.  SO....I'm back!!  Hopefully, I'll write again before 8 months pass....

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