Saturday, December 31, 2011


Well, another year is in it's closing hours.  It is the time where people in the western world feel the need to make resolutions for the coming new year.  I tend to avoid during those because I always feel guilty within a few days when I've broken them.  And who needs more guilt in their life?

But, considering the events of 2011, I've decided there is one that I need to make.  And since I've been blogging all my major moments in the past few months, I thought I should put this the world. 

I should be resolving to lose weight, exercise more, eat better.  Yeah...right.  I could resolve those things.  In fact, I have.  Hence the guilt I spoke of in the first paragraph.  However, other things need to happen first before those things can happen.  I must get my mind in shape first. 

SO...I will continue with my counseling and the work I started in 2011.  I will continue doing the hard work of looking at myself and accepting who I am and changing the things I can change...and want to change.  I resolve to not just "wish" for positive change but do the work to make it happen.

I have noticed such a change in my outlook over the past few weeks.  I've been sleeping better and feeling more centered and relaxed.  There have been a few days where things were upsetting and frustrating.  However, my "spring back" from events is quicker and easier.  It feels so good.  But I know there is still much more left to do. 

I thank each and every one of you who has read my blog.  I have gotten some wonderful messages from many people letting me know they have similar feelings in their own lives.  I also got a letter from a friend yesterday.  Yes, a letter...not an email or a text, but a bonafide letter on paper!  Her words touched me very deeply.  Since reading it, and thinking of the comments from so many others, I've been thinking of how alone I felt when I started this blog.  I now realize that I have had such tunnel vision that I couldn't see the love and friendship around me.  I know that I just need to reach out and someone would be there.  Perhaps that should be my other resolution:  don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help.  Yeah, I like that one, too.

Happy New Year, my friends.  May 2012 be a year of positive change and loving community for all of us.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bah Humbug?

Okay, not in the way that Ebenezer Scrooge said it, but I am having a difficult time with the holidays this year.  My motivation to do...anything is in the pooper.  It even took 3 days to get the tree and inside decorations up.  It usually takes 3 or 4 hours.  There is hardly any decorating outside.  I still need to do my holiday cards.  And don't get me started on shopping for gifts.

Why??  With all the work I've done on "me", I thought it would be a good holiday season.  But, in fact, it seems have made it harder.  I am missing my parents more than I have in the past few years.  My mother was The Holiday Queen.  All the favorite things I like to do during the Christmas season are things I did with my mother.  And now, being single and no kids, I do them alone.  Not so fun.  I've been doing them anyway, but do them because I feel I should.  It has become a chore.  This year, I wanted to enjoy doing things...but as I start, I feel sad.

Add that to the frustration with all the "stuff" out there.  I am amazed at the level of rudeness and inconsiderate behavior by people.  I was shopping this weekend and was in a store looking at a display.  A young couple with a stroller came in, pushed in front of me and took up the entire area.  When I asked to move in to get the thing I was interested in, they both just glared and didn't move.  I simply left the store.  I tried walking around the mall, looking for ideas and inspiration for gifts and my mood, but all I ended up with was irritation and frustration. 

The holidays should be about friends, family, and joy.  It shouldn't be about finding the perfect present - or at least one that doesn't suck.  It should be about being with the people you love - not about how much money you spend on gifts.  I need to figure out how to embrace the holidays the way I want to.  I plan to spend tomorow evening with a friend and then meet up with friends over the weekend.  But...that doesn't address the loneliness around some of the traditions.

I so want to spend an entire day baking fun stuff.  But the idea of doing it by myself this year just makes me want to avoid it all together.  As I said..."humbug".  Anyone want to come over and play?? 

I've been thinking all this thru and still not coming to any kind of conclusion.  Yule is a week away and Christmas is a week and a half away.  I need to figure this out soon or the entire season will have passed me by.  Am I being too much like Charlie Brown?  Oh, no...I'm mixing my Christmas stories now...I'm really losing it...I don't think I need the Ghosts of Christmas.  But maybe I do need a Linus...

Happy holidays, my friends.  I wish you love and joy during this very confusing season.